AB 131 Facts


Under AB 540, ratified in 2001, eligible students are those who may qualify for in-state tuition at public colleges and universities in California and meet ALL of the following requirements:

  1. Attended a California high school for 3 or more years.
  2. Must graduate from a California high school or attained the equivalent ( GED ).
  3. If undocumented, the filling of an affidavit with the college or university stating they have applied for a lawful immigration status or will apply as soon as they are eligible to do so.

Current law makes a variety of student financial aid available, including Cal Grant programs, BOG Fee Waiver and different system-wide and/or campus-based grants or scholarships or other state-administered aid available only to California residents; but it excludes AB 540 students


What does the second part of the CA Dream Act (AB131) do?

AB 131 would allow students that meet the in-state tuition requirements to apply and receive financial aid at California public colleges and universities. The types of financial aid these students would be eligible for include:

  1. Board of Governors (BOG) Fee Waiver
  2. Institutional Student Aid: Student aid program administered by the attending college or university (i.e. State University Grant, UC Grant)
  3. Cal Grants. These students would not be eligible to apply or receive any Competitive Cal Grants unless funding remains available after all California resident students have received Competitive awards they are eligible for.

The bill would not become operative until July 1, 2012.

Eligible students are those who may qualify for in-state tuition at public colleges and universities in California (California Education Code §68130.5) and meet ALL of the following requirements:

  1. Secondary school attendance in California for three or more years; at least one year of which shall have been at a California high school.
  2. Graduation from a California secondary school or attainment of the equivalent thereof.
  3. If undocumented, the filing of an affidavit with the college or university stating that they have applied for a lawful immigration status or will apply as soon as they are eligible to do so.


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